[:en]SPeRA consortium was formed in 2010 and consists of 38 non-profit organization, including ISF.
SPeRA acronym means “Solidarity, Projects and Resources for Africa”.
The mission is to actively support international cooperation with humanitarian and solidarity projects in Third World Countries, mainly in Africa, fostering synergies between the organizations of SPeRA.
The 6th annual conference will be held in Genoa on 20 and 21 November 2015 at the Museum Theatre Commenda di Prè.
It’s the result of a collaboration between the consortium SPeRA, Doctors in Africa, Celivo (Volunteer Service Center of Genoa) and the University of Genoa.
The conference welcomes participation by those involved with charity projects for sub-Saharan Africa and, for the first time this year, with the refugee emergency.
A debate on refugees and immigration will take place on Saturday 21, at 9:30 am in Sala Colonne.
Maurizio Bertoldi, of ISF, will present the project of computer stations for the refugees, installed at Centrale railway in Milan.