Esce oggi la versione 1.9.1 di Open Hospital, il software open source realizzato da ISF che dal 2005 è in uso in molti ospedali africani e non solo.
Grazie al lavoro di un’attiva comunità di sviluppatori, coordinata da ISF, Open Hospital può ora contare su nuove caratteristiche che lo rendono ancora più efficace e stabile.
Le nuove caratteristiche includono:
– Completely refactored code: Spring + Maven + JUnit + JPA for better
performances and as a stepping stone to the upcoming web-based version
– New! Search fields for diagnosis in OPD and Admission
– New! Search fields for pharmaceuticals in Pharmacy Stock
– New! Movements between Wards available
– New! Multiple Operations in Admission and available in Clinical Sheet
– New! Search fields for Exams in Laboratory
– New! Online documentation in portable format Asciidoctor (available at [openhospital-doc](http://github.com/informatici/openhospital-doc))
– (fix) Fixed startup when connectivity is not available
– (fix) Fixed step_57 file name
– (fix) OP-126 List box problem in Examination module
– (fix) OP-167, OP-168, OP-160, OP-140, OP-183, OP-174, OP-158, OP-182
– (fix) Some minor fixes
Brought to you by:
– Informatici Senza Frontiere opensource community
– Uni2grow Camerun
– Intesys s.r.l.
**Languages**: French, Italian, English, Portuguese, Swahili, German, Spanish, Arabic
*Brought to you by Transifex community*
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